Ikea Everyday Fabulous does NYC

From Cool Hunting:

Ikea has been making over parts of NYC in celebration of their Everyday Fabulous Exhibit (which ended May 23, 2006). Their stylists took on parks, turned hot dog stands into outdoor cafes, bustops into living rooms and strung up hammocks on street corners, bringing smiles to jaded New Yorkers and ICFF visitors, and looks of bewilderment on tourists. Cheeky and clever.

How cool is that?! If you haven’t been to an Ikea, I suggest you visit http://www.ikea.com/ and select your location to see where the nearest Ikea is to you.

According to their website, Ikea’s vision is: And they’ve done a fantastic job living up to their vision. A look through their catalog (in print or online) or a voyage through their store will leave you with a “wow, I can do all that for how much?” as well as an inspired feeling.

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